Harold Tinglin

Harold TinglinRealtor®Click To CallClick To EmailContact Info htinglin@ellisonrealty.om /harold-tinglin/ (754) 248-5309A Little About MeAs a Coldwell Banker Ellison Realty Sales Associate, I pledge to provide…

Thomas Reilly

Thomas ReillyBroker Associate Click To CallClick To EmailContact Info treilly@riverlandrealty.com https://ellisonrealty.com/thomas-reilly/ (352) 362-2303 http://www.facebook.com/TomReillyRealtor http://www.instagram.com/treillyrealtorhttp://twitter.com/treillyrealtor http://www.linkedin.com/in/treillyrealtorA Little About MeTom moved to Dunnellon in 2000 from…

Start Your Search

Start Your Property Search Here!With all the beauty that Ocala has to offer, it can be difficult to find the perfect place to call home.Let…


Ellison RealtyOur Offices3 Offices to Serve Our Clients:Select the office that works for you.View OfficesEast Office2226 East Silver Springs Blvd.Ocala Florida, 34470352-732-8350 | cber@ellisonrealty.comEAST OFFICEGoogle Business…

Joe Priest

Joe PriestBroker Associate Click To CallClick To EmailContact Info jdpriest@ellisonrealty.com /joe-priest/ 352-843-0579 https://www.facebook.com/thepriestgrouprealty https://www.instagram.com/thepriestgroup/A Little About MeAs a Coldwell Banker Ellison Realty Sales Associate, I…

East Office

Coldwell Banker Ellison RealtyEast Office2226 East Silver Springs Blvd. Ocala Florida 34476Quick SearchSearch our exclusive listingsProperty TypesAllSearchMarion CountyVIEW Our ListingsView all properties$1,200,000JACKSONVILLE ROADOCALA, FLCourtesy of:…